Hello, I’m Jennifer!
I am a wife and homemaking mom of 2 who is passionate about creating a healthy home for my family.
I left my job as a teacher in the fall of 2022 so I could focus on homeschooling my children and helping to care for my sick mom. This was something I felt called to do, and there hasn’t been a single day that I have regretted it.
Natural Remedies
When my mom became disabled with rheumatoid arthritis and sick with cancer a few years ago, I began researching how best to support her using natural remedies. Along this journey, I discovered the value of hydrotherapy and herbs to treat not only my mom, but my family’s various ailments. I was amazed at how effective natural remedies can be in treating illness and speeding up recovery. My hope is that what I have learned will help you and your family as well.
Plant-Based Diet
I have been a vegetarian for more than 20 years now, but switched to a completely plant-based diet in 2023 to relieve my own arthritic symptoms, and with great success! I know that plant-based eating works for alleviating and reversing many lifestyle diseases and I’m excited to share what I have learned over the years.
A healthy plant-based diet needs to be full of quality, whole foods, which is why gardening has become a budding passion of mine. My mom won green thumb awards for her flowers when I was a kid, so I naturally started with a flower garden. This gradually grew into an interest in vegetable gardening and growing medicinal herbs. Each year I am experimenting with new crops to see what I can grow in my zone 3 region. It is an exciting and often disappointing adventure, but I love the prospect of one day growing enough food to no longer be dependent on the grocery stores. This, along with producing more nutritious food free from harmful chemicals, is my ultimate gardening goal!
Background and Education
I grew up in Calgary, AB, Canada but moved to Vancouver, BC in 2008 to study Food, Nutrition, and Health at the University of British Columbia. During my time there, I volunteered at a couple of our campus cafés, preparing and serving whole food meals using ingredients we grew on the UBC farm. These experiences fostered an appreciation for knowing where our food comes from, and for preparing food from real ingredients.
I moved back to Calgary in 2010 and finished my education at the University of Calgary, graduating with a BA and BEd. My first two teaching assignments included teaching Food Studies to middle and high school students. It was both fun and rewarding to teach kids the importance of cooking with their health in mind rather than to simply gratify their appetites. Plenty of mistakes were made in those kitchens, and both my students and I learned valuable lessons about the science behind baking and cooking.
Today, I teach my own children how to use natural remedies, eat for optimal health, and grow food. Join me as I share recipes, tips, failures and successes!!
“[God gave] herbs for the service of man.”